Video preview thumbnail on timeline

This feature was months in the making, and now we are finally in Beta release of this highly sought after feature. To activate click on the new option on the skin configuration page. The option is named “Show Timeline Thumbnail Preview”. Note that by checking the box, it will not automatically show in the preview …
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Videos containing copyright content

Last week, there was an update made at YouTube which somehow prevented videos identified to contain copyright content (such as images, music, sounds, etc…) from being used by the Empora player. As it filtered through the site, videos that were available for the last 12 months started appearing offline on Empora. The fix is simple …
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1080p, 2k, 4k, 8k. Embed high resolution videos.

I thought I wrote a blog post about this before, but it doesn’t look like I did. We have only been able to offer embedded videos up to 720p resolution and there have been queries asking for higher resolution videos. Well, good news… you can now choose to embed videos up to 8k at 60 …
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Searchable videos in your list

We currently have users who have hundreds of videos in their account. Scrolling through the hundreds of videos in the account to find a specific one is therefore not practical. As such, we have developed the ability to quickly search for a video based on the title of the video. This should make it a …
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Playback Speed Adjustment

Finally, after long last, we have released a new feature that will allow your users to control the playback speed of the video. There is a new checkbox to show/hide this option to your users: To modify the style of the playback speed button, you will need to have some basic knowledge of CSS. If …
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Adding self-hosted videos (not on YouTube)

We have just released the ability for you to skin your own self-hosted videos. So let’s say you have a video that is not permitted on YouTube for whatever reason, you can set up your own server on your own CDN or web host to serve the mp4 video through your custom Empora video player …
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Updating video player in bulk

To cater for users who have hundreds of videos, editing each of them one at a time gets a little tedious (understatement). There is now a checkbox that allows you to update all videos with the same skin in bulk. This way all the videos that you have deployed all over your website will have …
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