Videos containing copyright content

Last week, there was an update made at YouTube which somehow prevented videos identified to contain copyright content (such as images, music, sounds, etc…) from being used by the Empora player. As it filtered through the site, videos that were available for the last 12 months started appearing offline on Empora. The fix is simple – remove the copyright content from videos in YouTube by either trimming it off completely; or replacing sounds with other sounds; or muting the sound. However it wasn’t exactly practical with hundreds of videos suddenly appearing offline. Some of these videos contained automatically identified “copyright content” for a mere 5 seconds!

So we had to update our code base in order to stream the full video as it did before.

After a day of development and more of testing, we finally have a solution which we have just deployed. So it’s good news that you now have a larger range of videos that you can use with Empora!

What’s more, you can still embed high resolution videos on your website along with every additional feature we have added along the way.


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