I have noticed that users have been attempting to use videos that simply won’t work. I have seen users trying to use live videos, or private videos. Some have even tried loading playlists or URLs that are not even from YouTube. So I decided to write about the quickest way to know if the video that you want to use will work with the Empora Player.
First thing you need to do is to open a private browser session. Depending on the browser that you are using, there are different ways to open a private browser session. In this post, I’ll go through the most common browsers in Chrome, Edge and Firefox.
Google Chrome Incognito Mode
The easiest way to open an Incognito window is with the keyboard shortcut combination Ctrl-Shift-N (Windows) or Command-Shift-N (macOS).

The new Incognito window can be recognized by the dark background and the stylized “spy” icon just to the left of the three-dots menu. Enter your YouTube URL into the browser to attempt to play the video. If it plays immediately without requiring you to log in, then the video will work with Empora Player (unless of course it’s a live video, in which case it still won’t work with Empora).
Microsoft Edge InPrivate Browser
The combination of Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) or Command-Shift-P (macOS) opens an InPrivate window.

Enter your YouTube URL into the browser to attempt to play the video. If it plays immediately without requiring you to log in, then the video will work with Empora Player (unless of course it’s a live video, in which case it still won’t work with Empora).
Mozilla Firefox Private Browsing
The combination of Ctrl-Shift-P (Windows) or Command-Shift-P (macOS) opens a Private browsing window.

Enter your YouTube URL into the browser to attempt to play the video. If it plays immediately without requiring you to log in, then the video will work with Empora Player (unless of course it’s a live video, in which case it still won’t work with Empora).
Any questions? Leave a comment.