A few days ago, I was asked why there was a lot of whitespace between videos when they pasted the HTML code onto their website.
I had a look and saw that there wasn’t any whitespace until it was explained that the website was a mobile website. So I loaded Empora.com on a mobile site and sure enough, there was a lot of white space between videos.

By default, the settings lock the frame width to a maximum of 640 pixels wide and a fixed 360 pixels high. These settings can be changed in the Skin Configuration.

Here’s where you need to experiment, however, I have it on good authority that the height should be set to 200 to remove all the white space on a mobile screen.
There is now an update to this that will allow the embed code to automatically set the height of the video depending on the device. Have a read of it here.
Any questions? Leave a comment.