Animating the Play Button

Animating triangle This will make the inner play triangle animate (increase in size and fade). There are a few options here… you can set the length of the animation by changing the 1500ms to a different number. You can change the animation timing to any of the following: linear, ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out. You can …
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Test if your YouTube videos will work with Empora

I have noticed that users have been attempting to use videos that simply won’t work. I have seen users trying to use live videos, or private videos. Some have even tried loading playlists or URLs that are not even from YouTube. So I decided to write about the quickest way to know if the video …
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Autoplay Videos and Custom Thumbnails

We have just released some new functionality allowing users to set their videos to automatically play on load. If you already have your video deployed on your site, make sure you get the updated HTML code that will allow autoplay. We have also been asked about the resolution of the video thumbnails – that sometimes …
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Auto adjust video height

I have received reports that the video height is not auto-optimised based on user devices. For example, setting a height of 360px might look ok on the desktop, but on a mobile, it would leave a lot of whitespace below the video. Updating the height to 200px, might look fine on the mobile but the …
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How to embed Empora Player into WordPress

WordPress is probably the most common tool in the world to create websites and blogs, so here are some instructions on embedding the player into your blog or page. There are actually multiple ways to add Custom HTML to your blog. I’ll go through a couple of them. First thing you need to do is …
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New player style, Flix

We have just released a new player style and have decided to call it Flix because it is based on the Netflix player. The above is a sample of what the player style looks like. As with other styles, you can configure the colors to suit the branding of your website. Any questions? Leave a …
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